Australia 2002 Part One

Titan's F1 Jokes

Firmly Putting The Farce In F1

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Australia 2002 Part One

Minardi test new body solutions

"I think this body works best for me!"


Nikki hits the dance floor

"Dancing Queen!" nikki


Toyota test new electric car

Shame it needs 400 batteries to run


Some drivers never feel easy...

"If i'm not careful tom will have my balls for yo-yos"


Ferrari busy taking deliveries...

Schumy's wages


Minardi introduce their new driver...

Just the Koala doesn't know it yet


Monty on the prowl...

Spots a victim...

And moves in for the wallet...

Unlucky for him, the victim's a cop


Mclaren's latest car under raps...

Thank god... who wants to see a messy road accident?!


Team Toycar take delivery...

Of their super duper sized batteries


Ferrari pilgrim...

Kneels at altar


Sometimes even superheroes have to be quick on their toes...

"Damn! what do you mean CrashMan's beaten us too it?!" FrankMan

"Holy Montoya FrankMan!" PushBoy

"To the Frank Cave PushBoy and fast, before CrashMan wraps the FrankCar round the nearest lamp post!" FrankMan

"Holy Uninsurred Carlamity FrankMan!" PushBoy

"Exactly Pushboy, i've not paid our car insurrance yet!"

(Cue batman music)


There's rats...

Then there's 6ft Australian rats, that can kick the living crap out of you!

"Hey sport, wanna join my team?"


A scientific study into the mating habits of common or garden formula one drivers...

In the name of science we've set up this simple experiment...

First we require a catalyst (Ms Total Raver) and now we watch the test subjects for reactions...

And sort the men from the boys... these test subjects show definate signs of a reaction... they'd better stop playing with their reactions otherwise they'll go blind...

While these appear not to even notice prime totty, even when its waved in their faces... definately virgin test material...

On the other hand these test subjects show distinct signs of knowing what they like... let's say no more...

Er.. and then there's these two.... no comment!


The pressure never stops for ferrari drivers...

Cameras follow them everywhere...

Even the team toilets

"Ruby forget the press and watch where your pissing!" Shumy


Minardi driver bonus...

"Here's your bonus lads!"

"Hello boys" Ms. Bonus

"Of course boss get first dibs!"

Laughter Feeds The Soul!
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