Australia 2002 Part Four

Titan's F1 Jokes

Firmly Putting The Farce In F1

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Australia 2002 Part Four

Blockhead boss pep talks...

Blockhead loser.

"So you're a loser, get used to it... i did and its not effected me at all... i was a sore loser before and a sore loser still. You just got to aim to be the best loser there is, which going by your current form isn't that hard!" Ron


Bar test new tyre warmers...

"Ok boys they're done!" Hot Babes


Members of the general losers assembly...

Resort to holding a prayer meeting!

"Dear McGod in heaven, hear our McPrayers, save us from this living ferrari McHell!" McPreacher Ron

"What goes around comes around, quit whining and live with it! Forza Ferrari!" God

"Praise the ferrari lord!" The chosen ones


Tyres caught inflagrante delicto...

Frolicing in the grass.


Some guys look a total McPrat no matter what they wear...

DC McLegoHead - president of the prataholics anonymous society


McBoss tells it how it McIs...

"See this invisible McPeanut?" Ron

"Er...Nope!" McKid

"Well that's just it, you won't!" Ron

"Why's that oh great and McWise one?" McKid

"That's coz its DCs McBrain!" Ron

"But why is it invisible McSensei?" McKid

"Because its just a figment of DC's McImagination and doesn't really exist!" Ron

"Will the same happen to me McMaster?" McKid

"With McLearning and McPractice anything is McPossible McGrasscutter!" Ron

"Oh Bloody Hell!!! Er... quick where's my coat!!!" McKid halfway through the door


Barbie minardi style...

While mark cooks...

Stoddy and the boys gets them in

"Watch where you stick your sausage mate, if you're not careful someone'll stick a bloody fork in it!" Stoddy


After a few days of going over the team bonus...

Stoddy gets some shut eye...

With a bonus like that, can you blame him?


Stoddy tries to temp a new driver to join the team...

"Hey skip how about joining the team?" stoddy

"Tch tch tch tch tch tch!" skippy

"What's that skip? "P*ss off mate!" ok be like that, i'll go ask flipper if he wants to join instead!" stoddy


Some teams have their own problems...

While others have to put up with everyone elses... as the paddock drunk hits town.

"Whaaaaaarshhh thaarr buuuhheeeeerrr ttthheeeenttsh?"

"You been at the brake fluid again?"


Nikki the paddock gossip....

"Ron's is only this big!" Nikki

"That's small for a brain!" Ralf

"No, not his McBrain stupid, his McC*ck!" Nikki



Bye From Oz 2002...

Till next year :)

Laughter Feeds The Soul!
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