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You Do Nothing But Test Test Test 1
Button can't stop laughing....
So he calls in to see his doctor...
"Ok laughing boy, cough!"
"OK doc tell me what's wrong... I can take it like a man!"
"Apart from being hung like a baby mosquito... nothing!"
Which soon wipes the smile off his face.
"Bloody hell that's a bit much, you could have at least warmed your hands!"
Press hound button for answers...
"How goes the medical, what did the doctor have to say?"
"No comment!"
"Do you get paid extra for dressing like a prat?"
"No comment!"
"What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?"
"No comment!"
"What am I thinking of right now?"
"No comment!"
"What's 2 plus 2?"
"No comment!"
"What's are the next winning lottery numbers?"
"No comment!"
"What's the meaning of life?"
"No comment!"
"Are your pants always that colour or do you have the squits?"
"I plead the 5th!"
Strange secret aero McPackage test, down at Mclaren...
Aerodynamically enhanced McJockstrap
"I'm sticking my McCrotch way out into the wind, but I don't notice a difference in McDrag! Bloody newey, I think he's just totally McLost it... bringing a fire extinguisher in case my McBalls catch light was a total waste of McTime!"
Concerned eyes watch the McBall test from a safe distance
"McChrist I hope all goes well..."
"Last thing I want to see is my McMate's McTesticles plastered all over the bloody circuit!"
"Hey McScrotumHead, how goes the secret McTesty McTest?"
"Fine fine, all McNad McData is within expected tolerances"
"McCool, but I can't help worrying that something's going to go McWrong..."
"I have this McGut feeling that its all going to end in one huge McMess..."
"That's going to blow up in our McFaces!"
"I'm really McWorried... something just doesn't McAdd up, you know!"
"What's McThat?"
"I don't McKnow, I just get the feeling something is McTerribly wrong, sort of impending McDoom!"
"Let me see if I can McReassure you, what exactly is McBothering you about the McDesign?"
"McNothing much..."
"But I McGuess it's just me..."
"For the McLife of me and I don't know why, but I still don't McGet how strapping a primed McGrenade in your McShorts makes it more efficient!"
"Who said McAnything about it being more efficient, I was just McTrying to make it more McInteresting!"
"Hello! Hello McPits?! Er... I can feel this strange McVibration now... I think its starting to McTick?!!! Hey is anybody there?!!!"
Trouble with the refuse collectors...
"How many times I got to tell you, when you collect our McTrash don't go spilling it all over our McDriveway!"
"Yeah and we keep telling you to stop putting your Mclarens in with the rest of the trash!"
Driving a dog of a car isn't the end of your misery... its just the beginning
"Great news lads, I looked into what makes schumy such a great driver... and I've come to the conclusion its all down to his health... he's at the peak of physical fitness, and compared to him we're the walking dead!"
"I think we should invest heavily in every health fad that's going around... better safe than sorry I say!"
"We'll start with drinking our own urine... if its good enough for madonna its good enough for us.... mmmmm kind of fruity!"
"OK get everyone on it right away!"
But some just can't handle it...
"Oh good god no!!!"
"It's bad enough the car is a total joke... and I can live with the humiliation of looking like a moving target, but drinking my own piss is the final straw!"
"The boss said drink it, so you bloody well drink it like the rest of us poor bastards! You're going to drink it even if I have to break every f*cking bone in your body!"
"OK OK just don't hit me!"
"The things I do just for a poxy drive!
"He's finally drunk it boss..."
"Great news!"
"But he's pulling a really strange face..."
"Good Good!"
"ER have to run now boss, we're abandoning the pit area for our own safety... I think he's going to blow chunks!!!"
"Cool I'm watching the monitors right this minute, boy I don't want to miss this for the world."
"OK tomorrow we move onto number 2s!... ER hello, anyone there?!!"